Global Political Economy Global Political Economy UNDERSTANDING THE INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC ORDER Robert Gilpin WITH THE ASSISTANCE OF Jean M. Gilpin…

I need a transcript (what I’m going to talk and explain them) for my presentation and I don understand some part from this book chapter 10 (page 271-277) “Controversy over regulation of int finance”. Please help me asap, deadline is tomorrow. Thank you very much in advance, may i have it more detail from each point? because i have no economic background.

Please help me by answering this below questions and give me a simple example that easy to understand

What is a reliance on market? How can it deal with the problems resulting from intl financial flow? Give an example of moral hazard? why do they think that IMF was ineffective? give an example of it failed operation please. How does US benefited from free capital movement? how does greater transparancy and improved information gathering operate? please give me an example? Why Countries want to keep info secret from investors or IMF? give an example please? how does lender of the last resort that will help in preventing the cases of liquidity and insolvency? give me an example plz? any example that easy to understand. what is a short term capital flow? give me an example plz? any example that easy to understand. How does code of conduct and better surveillance operate? give me an example plz? any example that easy to understand. why does many European and Japannes want to control over hedge funds? but USA preferred leave matter to national governement and central bank? what a reason or benefit behind this?  Reliance on the market and Strengthening the IMF which one is a better solution? why? give example.

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