need assistance my short assignment which requires 5 responses total based onnutrition dieti

I need assistance with my assignment. The 5 short responses should be a brief motivational interviewing technique question or helpful/educational comments or nutrition /diet recommendations. The responses need to go in via a texting app.. so responses need to be limited to 2-3 text messages.


Assignment: Add a brief motivational or helpful/educational comment or question after each meal picture. The first meal has been completed as an example. Imagine each meal is an actual picture.

Client profile: 65 year old woman, BMI-35, Goals: Weight loss and increase fruits and veges

Day 1
Breakfast: Cup hot chocolate, 1 cup oatmeal with mixed berries and walnuts, 1 scrambled eggs, 2 slices cantaloupe

Coach Response: A great breakfast! Be sure to check your hot chocolate mix. Some are loaded with calories and sugar.
(This is a sample response)

Clients Response: It is a high calorie mix, but I love hot chocolate!! Any other suggestions?

Lunch: Hot tea, baked fish with cup of steamed broccoli, ½ cup brown rice, 2 buttered rolls, 1 chocolate chip cookie.

Coach Response: (type response here)

Dinner: Restaurant meal- margarita, large grilled chicken fajita salad with ranch dressing

Coach Response: (type response here)

Day 2

Breakfast: hot chocolate, Whole grain toast with peanut butter, 1 boiled egg, 1/2 grapefruit

Coach Response: (type response here)

Lunch: Turkey sandwich with a cup of vegetable soup, 4 fig newton’s

Coach Response: (type response here)

Dinner: Restaurant meal- Red wine, beef lasagna, Italian salad, breadsticks

Coach Response: (type response here)

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