please respond my classmate 150 200 words its not essay follow guide red please

Section 2 – Guided Response due saturday oct 17
Respond to two classmates.  Review the activities and skills included on their charts.  Use one of the activities listed on their charts to create a situational example in story form, such as a case study.  Within your story, include a complication in which they would need to adapt the lesson.  This complication can be an environmental, individual, or task-related constraint.  Environmental constraints are faulty/missing equipment, weather, space, time, etc.  Individual constraints include any difficulty or disability that the student might encounter.  A task related constraint includes complications incorporating the activity or lesson to be taught. 

Conclude with a question as to how this lesson could be adapted in the given situation.

For example: They might have chosen to teach a 6-year-old (individual) to hit a ball (task) off a tee and provide them with a light weight, fat barreled bat (environment).  You can create an individual constraint such as “When you are teaching a class of 6-year-olds how to hit a ball off of a tee, you notice a child is having difficulty holding the bat. If the bat is too large for the child, how could you adapt the activity for this individual?”  You could also create a situation in which a child has already mastered this activity and is ready to advance or even create an example with inclement weather or faulty/missing equipment, etc. Be creative!


It seems that I stuck with the active theme throughout the activity choices.

Age of child

Fundamental Motor Skill
(choose one locomotor (moving), non-locomotor (stationary) or manipulative skill that would be developmentally appropriate to teach each age group)

Explain what game or activity that you would use to teach this skill 
(example: to teach balance you might use a low balance beam and instructions on how to hold their arms out straight)

2 yrs


     For jumping and the children at a young age, I would start out easy with jump rope. The children will learn multiple things such as jumping and also balance and precision with critically thinking when the correct time to jump is. Once the child has mastered this, the child can increase the difficulty by going faster or doing double dutch with involves two ropes.

3 yrs


     I would play kickball with the students. This game would be the perfect time to practice kicking because the students will have the ability to try and kick at different speeds whether that is really soft or kicking as hard as you can. Students can also work on kicking and learning how to keep their balance on one leg when they lift the other to complete the action.

4 yrs


     This activity is a mesh between simon says and playing catch. Both the child and adult will have a mitt and one ball. The adult will start and they will do a throw, underhand, overhand or make it fun and twirl once then throw overhand or throw old granny style. This is about having fun. Once thrown, the student will copy what you have done. Make sure that it isn’t too complicated for the child but doing different throws so the child can practice his throwing techniques.

5 yrs


     Kids can do this activity all by themselves. Drawing with chalk, they can play hopscotch. Students will learn to hop on one leg and also try to keep their balance on one leg so they don’t fall over. Students can also reinforce learning by having to using the numbers 1-10 in the boxes.

6 yrs


This activity will have to be done with an adult, but I think that rock climbing can be a fun activity where students can start building muscle strength and learning to rock climb. Students will always be safe being connected to a harness and linked with an adult, but students will have to critically think where the next best move is. They must use their muscles to propel themselves up and climb to the top of the wall.

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