part 1Based on the risk assessment models explained in the material, how likely is a multinational corporation to expand in Grenada? Why / why not?Cite references in apa format. Minimum words is 250.P

part 1

Based on the risk assessment models explained in the material, how likely is a multinational corporation to expand in Grenada? Why / why not?

Cite references in apa format. Minimum words is 250.

Part 2

Case study: Growing a Company by International Acquisition

  1. Describe two major ways in which a company can grow. Give examples to illustrate the two ways of growing. 
  2. Businesses grow when they have the resources to expand and opportunities exist for growth. Explain how the acquisition of Berendsen provided such a good opportunity for the Davis Service Group. 
  3. What aspects of European Union markets have particularly encouraged horizontal growth of the Davis Service Group? What aspects of European Union markets have particularly encouraged organic as opposed to inorganic growth? 
  4. If the company were to expand into new areas of the globe, where would you recommend and why? What factors might encourage or discourage this choice?

Write a 4-page, double-spaced, essay covering the four questions above. Use your own words – do not copy and paste from any web site.

part 3

What do you think is the most important aspect of international risk management for a manager? Why?

Cite references in apa format. Minimum words is 250.

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