Solicited Proposals as we read in the book, are when you ask for one or ask for help that your audience is aware of. Such as the example given in the…

Solicited Proposals as we read in the book, are when you ask for one or ask for help that your audience is aware of. Such as the example given in the text about the contractor who is fixing your kitchen. You asked them to come and give you an estimate rather than them telling you that you need some work done in your kitchen.  

1) Why does Ethos, Pathos, Logos come into play during a Solicited Proposal? If it doesn’t explain. 

2) Have you ever been part of a Solicited Proposal? If not, how would you go about making the right choice for yourself. If so, what was it like and any suggestions you can relay to fellow classmates. 

3)Is there a difference between Grant proposals and Sales Proposals?Are they Solicited or Unsolicited?

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